Sunday, September 24, 2006


1990 saw the release of the Super Nintendo. It was cutting edge 16-Bit technology, compared to the 8-Bit consoles of the 80s.

8-Bit games looked like this:

16-Bit games looked like this!!

To modern eyeballs, the difference might seem minimal. But at the time, it was big upgrade! The color palette was tripled, the sound chip was better, and there was more storage available in cartridges which allowed for more complex games. 

Sega had released their follow-up to the Master System in 1989, the Sega Genesis. They had beaten Nintendo to the punch with the first 16-Bit console, but the Super Nintendo quickly closed the gap and was immediately a must-buy. Everyone had to have one!

Nintendo and Sega were now the biggest names in video games, and were in direct competition. Stakes were high! Sega played dirty with their ads and commercials, but it worked. The Super Nintendo was a huge success, but Nintendo no longer had a monopoly on video games.

An example of a Sega Genesis ad:

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